Focus on Physicians:

Insights, Ideas, and Strategies

Podcast, side gigs for physicians Sarah Samaan Podcast, side gigs for physicians Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Cyber-Security Expert Anand Naik

We all know that cybersecurity is crucial in healthcare to protect sensitive patient data, ensure the integrity of medical devices, and maintain the overall trust in healthcare systems. Whether in the role of physician or patient, we depend on the people and systems working behind the scenes to keep us safe.

As a host of the recent episode of Techlink Health Podcast, I learned a lot from Anand Naik, including how advancements in IoHT/IoMT security and AI-driven protection are being harnessed to safeguard the future of connected health.

We all know that cybersecurity is crucial in healthcare to protect sensitive patient data, ensure the integrity of medical devices, and maintain the overall trust in healthcare systems. Whether in the role of physician or patient, we depend on the people and systems working behind the scenes to keep us safe.


As a host of the recent episode of Techlink Health Podcast, I learned a lot from Anand Naik, including how advancements in IoHT/IoMT security and AI-driven protection are being harnessed to safeguard the future of connected health.


For tech-savvy physicians looking for alternatives to clinical medicine, or side gigs in the healthcare sphere, cybersecurity might be an area that could use your expertise and insight.

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Dr. Kevin Smith

This was such an interesting conversation with facial plastic surgeon and ENT Dr. Kevin Smith for TechLink Health! I was fascinated to learn about the link between migraines and nasal health. Dr. Smith’s journey from college athlete to cutting edge surgeon gives him a unique perspective, which he shares on the podcast.

This was such an interesting conversation with facial plastic surgeon and ENT Dr. Kevin Smith for TechLink Health! I was fascinated to learn about the link between migraines and nasal health. Dr. Smith’s journey from college athlete to cutting edge surgeon gives him a unique perspective, which he shares on the podcast.


Dr. Smith's story shows how the combination of clinical excellence, curiosity, and persistence can impact patients' lives in meaningful ways and spark new innovations.

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Podcast, Work-life balance, Mindfulness Sarah Samaan Podcast, Work-life balance, Mindfulness Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Appearance on Dr. Bill Lombardi’s Journey to Better

It was a thrill to appear on the legendary cardiologist Dr. Bill Lombardi’s podcast The Journey to Better. I was honored to be invited onto the show to discuss mindfulness, goal setting, and combating burnout.

It was a thrill to appear on legendary cardiologist Dr. Bill Lombardi’s podcast The Journey to Better. I was honored to be invited onto the show to discuss mindfulness, goal setting, and combating burnout.


Dr. Lombardi is one of the highest-volume operators for complex PCI and chronic total occlusions in the world. He has been open about his own struggles with well-being in this high stakes and intense field of cardiology. His episodes will resonate for cardiologists, but also for any physician who has experienced the struggles, highs, and lows of caring for patients in today’s world.

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Mastek’s Ritwik Batabyal

My podcast interview with Mastek’s Ritwik Batabyal was a great reminder of how integral sophisticated behind-the-scenes technology is to providing optimal health care.

Rightfully, there is a lot of trepidation around the use of AI in healthcare and health technology, but the truth is that it’s already here. By understanding and optimizing the ways that we as physicians use AI, we will ensure that we have a say in the way it changes our landscape and the ways that care is delivered.

I enjoyed this conversation with Mastek's Ritwik Batabyal and David Sanchez, RN. It was a great reminder of how integral sophisticated behind-the-scenes technology is to providing optimal health care.


Rightfully, there is a lot of trepidation around the use of AI in healthcare and health technology, but the truth is that it’s already here. By understanding and optimizing the ways that we as physicians use AI, we will ensure that we have a say in the way it changes our landscape and the ways that care is delivered.

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Digital Diagnostic’s John Bertrand

Artificial intelligence is making its way into healthcare at a rapid pace. By harnessing its benefits while at the same time recognizing its limitations, we have an opportunity to improve and expand access to care for a wide range of people.

This was a thought-provoking podcast conversation with John Bertrand of Digital Diagnostics about the practical and potentially life-changing uses of AI for early detection of diabetic retinopathy. The beauty of the process is the fact that it can be used virtually anywhere, and does not require a highly skilled technician to acquire the data.

Artificial intelligence is making its way into healthcare at a rapid pace. By harnessing its benefits while at the same time recognizing its limitations, we have an opportunity to improve and expand access to care for a wide range of people.


This was a thought-provoking podcast conversation with John Bertrand of Digital Diagnostics about the practical and potentially life-changing uses of AI for early detection of diabetic retinopathy. The beauty of the process is the fact that it can be used virtually anywhere, and does not require a highly skilled technician to acquire the data.

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with AI Pioneer Dennis Cogan of Caresyntax

As a TechLink Insights podcast host, I enjoyed this very forward-thinking and inspiring conversation with Dennis Kogan of Caresyntax about the role of AI in surgical practice.
The future looks bright for innovations in care when AI is applied thoughtfully and collaboratively.

It’s no secret that artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a powerful tool in healthcare and medical science.

As a TechLink Insights podcast host, I enjoyed this very forward-thinking and inspiring conversation with Dennis Kogan of Caresyntax, a company pioneering the use of AI in surgical practice.

It’s normal to feel uneasy about these new technologies. But AI is already here, and it’s up to physicians and others in healthcare to guide its implementation and develop reasonable safety rails to protect our patients. Having met with a number of pioneers in this space through the podcast, I believe that the future looks bright for innovations in care when AI is applied thoughtfully and collaboratively.

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

Dressing to Inspire Confidence: My Kevin MD Podcast Conversation

There is research on the way that physicians, especially women, are judged by the clothes that they wear. And whether we like it or not, clothing is an important signifier of professionalism to patients and family. In my recent podcast appearance with Kevin MD< we talked about the power of dressing to inspire confidence.

On my recent podcast appearance with Kevin Pho, M.D., we talked about the way the clothes you wear can impact the way that you're perceived by your patients, your colleagues, and your staff.


For instance, are your administrators wearing scrubs? Probably not, because they understand the language and the power of clothing and presentation.


There is research on the way that physicians, especially women, are judged by the clothes that they wear. And whether we like it or not, clothing is an important signifier of professionalism to patients and family.


You don't have to be uncomfortable, feel restricted, or spend big bucks for a professional wardrobe. I'll tell you more in the article on the KevinMD website and on the podcast, including simple ways to incorporate professional attire.

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My Podcast Interview with Tax Expert Alexis Gallati, MBA

I really enjoyed my conversation with tax expert Alexis Gallati, EA, MBA, MS Tax, CTS for TechLink Health. This was such a practical and well explained deep dive into tax strategies for physicians.

I really enjoyed my conversation with Alexis Gallati, EA, MBA, MS Tax, CTS for TechLink Health. This was such a practical and well explained deep dive into tax strategies for physicians.


Alexis is married to a surgeon, so she has seen firsthand how little education most of us have in financial strategies, and how this lack of knowledge can hurt us and leave us vulnerable to bad advice.


This podcast addressed financial strategies related to side gigs, managing independent practices and more. Alexis is an engaging speaker and shares a wealth of practical insight.

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Podcast, interviews Sarah Samaan Podcast, interviews Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Health Tech Expert Shanil Ebrahim

Shanil Ebrahim is on the cutting edge of healthcare technology, with expertise not only as a scientist but also with meaningful experience in the fields of AI and health equity. His insights are timely and thought provoking.

Shanil Ebrahim is on the cutting edge of healthcare technology, with expertise not only as a scientist but also with meaningful experience in the fields of AI and health equity. His insights are timely and thought provoking.

As a frequent host of the TechLink Health podcast, it's always such a pleasure and a privilege to meet with leading innovators in the health and tech space. The industry is moving at warp speed, and it's great to have a front row seat!

You can listen to the podcast at TechLink Health as well as Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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Podcast, Mindfulness, Meditation Sarah Samaan Podcast, Mindfulness, Meditation Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Appearance with Kevin MD on Meditation and Mindfulness

In my recent conversation with Kevin Pho, M.D we discussed how mindfulness can have far-reaching effects not only for physicians, but for those you we care for. We also discussed the best times for meditation, when you might want to avoid it, and how a brief meditation can impact your sense of well-being.

As a physician coach, I love sharing this story, because it encapsulates how such a simple and brief practice can have a meaningful impact.

Despite often heavy-handed corporate efforts to the contrary, mindfulness is not a bandaid to fix all that is wrong with healthcare. And it’s not a substitute for the meaningful change that is so desperately needed. Instead, it’s a reminder to be present and engage with what is happening right now, without judgement or reactivity.

I enjoyed my recent conversation with Kevin Pho, M.D. We discussed how mindfulness can have far-reaching effects not only for yourself, but for those you care for. We also discussed the best times for meditation, when you might want to avoid it, and how a brief meditation can impact your sense of well-being.


As a physician coach, I love sharing this story, because it encapsulates how such a simple and brief practice can have a meaningful impact.


Despite often heavy-handed corporate efforts to the contrary, mindfulness is not a bandaid to fix all that is wrong with healthcare. And it’s not a substitute for the meaningful change that is so desperately needed. Instead, it’s a reminder to be present and engage with what is happening right now, without judgement or reactivity.


Through mindfulness, you are can find a way to take a moment in the middle of the daily storm to re-center and reset. And for physicians, that can go a long way towards building stronger relationships with patients and staff based on trust and respect.


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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Grenville Thynne of Neuroflex

I recently had a fascinating conversation with Grenville Thynne for the Techlink Health Podcast. We discussed his work with the trailblazing Neuroflex company. Neuroflex’s portable technology can quickly detect evidence of concussion on site, which makes it especially valuable to athletes of all types. The technology is also being studied in aging, and has the ability to provide objective measurements of brain function that can be tracked over time.

I recently had a fascinating conversation with Grenville Thynne for the Techlink Health Podcast. We discussed his work with the trailblazing Neuroflex company. Neuroflex’s portable technology can quickly detect evidence of concussion on site, which makes it especially valuable to athletes of all types.

The technology is also being studied in aging and neurodevelopmental disorders, and has the ability to provide objective measurements of brain function that can be tracked over time.

This was one of my favorite podcasts of the year. I hope you enjoy it.

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Phage Therapy Research Scientist Dr. Jennifer Sacher

It was such a pleasure to interview Dr. Jessica Sacher for the Techlink Health Podcast. We discussed her fascinating work using phage therapy to defeat superbugs, and how she got started in the field. We also had a great conversation about the personal aspects of this work, and how she has adapted her laboratory process to meet the growing need for phage therapy.

It was such a pleasure to interview Dr. Jessica Sacher for the Techlink Health Podcast.

We discussed her fascinating work using phage therapy to defeat superbugs, and how she got started in the field.

We also had a great conversation about the personal aspects of this work, and how she has adapted her laboratory process to meet the growing need for phage therapy.

This interview is a great reminder of all the people whose work contributes to saving lives and furthering the progress of medical science.

Jessica’s passion for her work shines through in this interview. I hope you enjoy it!

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Dr. Keith Matheny, Medical Entrepreneur

It was a real treat to have the opportunity to interview Keith Matheny for the TechLink Health podcast. As a colleague and fellow Vanderbilt alumni, I was especially interested to hear his story and discover how he designed an innovative and physician-driven approach to challenges in the Ear Nose and Throat specialty.

It was a real treat to have the opportunity to interview Dr. Keith Matheny for the TechLink Health podcast. As a colleague and fellow Vanderbilt alumni, I was especially interested to hear his story and discover how he designed an innovative and physician-driven approach to challenges in the Ear Nose and Throat specialty.

Keith is a fantastic clinician and an inspiring entrepreneur, and I think you’ll enjoy our conversation.

Check out the podcast here, or you can listen on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or on the TechLink Health website or app.

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Dr. Vicki Rackner: Surgeon, Entrepreneur, and Financial Coach

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Vicki Rackner MD on the TechLink Health podcast and learning about her work in the field of physician financial well-being. It was a fascinating conversation, and her story is inspiring! Take a listen on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Vicki Rackner MD on the TechLink Health podcast and learning about her work in the field of physician financial well-being.

It was a fascinating conversation, and her story is inspiring! Through personal adversity and challenge, Dr. Rackner created a business helping physicians discover financial freedom.

While she is not a financial advisor, Dr. Rackner works with physicians to help them leverage their medical expertise, generate multiple income streams, and develop critical business and marketing skills. She has authored three books on the subject, with another one on the way.

Take a listen on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

My podcast interview on Techlink Health with Dr. Vicki Rackner.

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

Defeating Superbugs: My Podcast Interview with Dr. Steffanie Strathdee

As a podcast host for TechLink Health, it was a privilege to interview Dr. Steffanie Strathdee, an epidemiologist and Distinguished Professor at UC San Diego. Dr. Strathdee literally saved her husband's life when he suffered a catastrophic antibiotic-resistant superbug infection. Through her investigations, Dr. Strathdee uncovered the possibility of phage therapy. Considered a risky and largely unproven treatment modality at the time, it was a last-ditch effort -- and it worked!

As a podcast host for TechLink Health, it was a privilege to interview Dr. Steffanie Strathdee, an epidemiologist and Distinguished Professor at UC San Diego.

Dr. Strathdee literally saved her husband's life when he suffered a catastrophic antibiotic-resistant superbug infection.

Through her investigations, Dr. Strathdee uncovered the possibility of phage therapy. Considered a risky and largely unproven treatment modality at the time, it was a last-ditch effort -- and it worked!

Dr. Strathdee is now the Co-Director of the Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics at UC San Diego. You can find her book, The Perfect Predator, on Amazon. There’s an audiobook version as well, which I highly recommend.

DISCLAIMER: As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the website, for which I am grateful! Please do your own research before making any important decisions.

If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to stay in the loop for more insights on creating a sustainable, fulfilling, and happy life as a physician, sign up for my newsletter or reach out on my website. I’d love to hear from you.

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Podcast Sarah Samaan Podcast Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with NeuralPositive’s Dr. Yasmine van Wilt

Recently I was fortunate to have the opportunity to interview Dr. Yasmine van Wilt for the TechLink Health Podcast. Dr. van Wilt has a fascinating story in the field of medical-grade music. She is a founder of Neuralpositive, a company that is on the forefront of medical music innovation. Dr. van Wilt has partnered with Cornell Tech, Columbia University, and Stanford University, among others.

Recently I was fortunate to have the opportunity to interview Dr. Yasmine van Wilt for the TechLink Health Podcast. Dr. van Wilt has a fascinating story in the field of medical-grade music. She is a founder of Neuralpositive, a company that is on the forefront of medical music innovation. Dr. van Wilt has partnered with Cornell Tech, Columbia University, and Stanford University, among others.

As we work to integrate evidence-based mindfulness and other non-pharmaceutical practices into healthcare, there is a powerful need for well designed research backed up by academic commitment. I’m excited to share this interview with you, and would love to hear your feedback.

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interviews, Podcast, Non-clinical jobs Sarah Samaan interviews, Podcast, Non-clinical jobs Sarah Samaan

My Podcast Interview with Dr. Naomi Lawrence-Reid

I was invited by TechLink Health to interview Dr. Naomi Lawrence-Reid of Doctoring Differently. Dr. Naomi, as she prefers to be called, describes how she pivoted from full-time practice and found new opportunities to use her skills as a physician. Her story is inspiring and engaging.

After appearing on a recent segment of TechLink Health’s Podcast, I was invited to interview Dr. Naomi Lawrence-Reid of Doctoring Differently. Dr. Naomi, as she prefers to be called, describes how she pivoted from full-time practice and found new opportunities to use her skills as a physician.

Her story is inspiring and engaging. You can take a listen right here.

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