What if You Don’t Know What You Want Next: A Physician’s Guide to Finding Direction

As a physician, you've dedicated years of your life to the practice of medicine. You spend the better part of your waking hours staying current on the latest research, honing your skills, serving your patients with compassion and care, and collaborating with your colleagues and staff.


But, like many doctors, there may come a time in your professional trajectory when you feel a need for change and a yearning for something different. Maybe you feel stuck, unfulfilled, or underappreciated. Or perhaps you simply crave a change of scenery.


In this article, I’ll give you some strategies that will help you to gain clarity and direction when you’re not sure what you want next.


Sometimes the direction to take is crystal clear, but it can often be difficult to envision what that change should or could look like. From medical school to residency and beyond, your path up to this point has probably been clearly marked. As you reached one milestone, the next was likely in view.


It can be comforting to know where you are going next, but it’s not uncommon to find yourself longing for a shift in your professional life that doesn’t conform to the well-worn trail. Whether you're considering changing the way you practice, adjusting your working hours, exploring opportunities outside of clinical medicine, or even contemplating retirement, the uncertainty can be daunting.


Change is often uncomfortable and unsettling, especially when you’re blazing your own path. It's essential to remember that this feeling of ambiguity is a natural part of any career evolution. It’s easy to get stuck at this point, instead of recognizing that this period of contemplation is the first step in a new direction.


Although it’s important to think things through, I’m a firm believer in the adage that action creates clarity. Action however, does not have to mean commitment or a big shift. Giving yourself time and space to actively explore what is possible can make your next steps more clear.


If you’re feeling like you’ve come to a standstill, here are some ideas that can help pull you out of the rut and find some serious traction that will move you forward.


1. Reflect on Your Values and Goals

Take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you, both personally and professionally. What are your core values? Have you identified specific long-term personal and career goals?


Understanding what drives you and what you hope to achieve can provide valuable insight into the direction you should take. If you’re unclear on how to express your personal values, my Values Workbook can help.


2. Assess Your Skills and Interests

Consider your strengths, skills, and areas of interest outside of medicine. Are there particular aspects of your current practice that you enjoy the most? Are there skills you possess that you haven't had the opportunity to fully utilize? Or maybe you’re curious about acquiring new expertise.


Exploring these ideas can help you identify potential career paths that align with your strengths and interests. Don’t be afraid to consider possibilities that may not obviously relate to the practice of medicine. Simply asking yourself what lights you up may spark new ideas and connections. One exercise that can help you discover these connections is a mind map.


3. Seek Guidance and Support

Reach out to mentors and trusted colleagues. You might also choose to work with a coach. Sometimes, an outside perspective can provide valuable insights and help you see possibilities that you may not have considered on your own. While a coach will not tell you what to do next, a coach will help you uncover your own answers. That’s because coaching is a supportive process designed to accelerate your capacity to explore your options and take effective action.


4. Explore Your Options

If you're unsure about the specific direction you want to take, make some time to explore different opportunities and try out new experiences. This could involve taking a course or attending a meeting focused on anything that interests you, volunteering, traveling, or joining an organization or group that resonates with you.


These explorations don’t have to have an obvious connection to the practice of medicine. Experimenting with a variety of options can help you clarify your priorities and identify what intrigues and inspires you.


5. Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability

Your path doesn't have to follow a linear trajectory. It's okay to pivot, change direction, or investigate new opportunities at any stage of your life. Be true to yourself, but keep in mind that it’s always a good idea not to burn any bridges along the way.


When you embrace flexibility, you’ll often find unexpected and even surprising opportunities that may otherwise have gone unnoticed.


6. Take Small Steps

Thinking about a professional change can feel overwhelming, especially for physicians. More than most other professions, we often feel defined by the work that we do.


Remember that you don't have to have all the answers right away. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps, and focus on taking action consistently. Simply commit to just one small step at a time.


7. Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself as you navigate this process. It's normal to feel uncertain or indecisive when you’re facing an important change. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that it's okay not to have all the answers immediately.


Trust in your abilities and know that by putting in the work, you will find your way forward.


As a physician, you have proven that you are resourceful, intelligent, compassionate, and hard working. By taking the time to reflect on your values and goals, seeking guidance and support, exploring and creating your options and opportunities, and embracing flexibility, you will stay open to possibilities, and you will find your way.


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And if you’d like to schedule a complimentary introductory meeting with me, click the link below.


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